Azure - Web application monitoring - Architecture

For the below architecture, we choose readily available Azure services precisely because they are easy to consume. Other monitoring options are also available.

Data Flow

  1. A utilizer interacts with the application.
  2. The browser and app service emits telemetry.
  3. Application Insights accumulates and analyzes application performance, health, and utilization data.
  4. Developers and administrators can review performance, health, and utilization information.
  5. SQL Database emits telemetry.
  6. Azure Monitor accumulates and analyzes infrastructure metrics and quotas.
  7. Log Analytics amasses and analyzes logs and metrics.
  8. Developers and administrators can review performance, health, and utilization information.


Web App Service:
Azure Web Apps offering web applications hosting. It allows developers to focus on delivering business values rather than consuming time on Sever updates or OS patches. Applications built on Java, PHP, Python, or Node.js can additionally be deployed on web apps.

Application Insights:
Application Insights is an application performance management service for web applications that enables us to do all the monitoring of our website performance in Azure. It’s designed to ascertain we are getting optimal performance and the best in class utilizer experience from our website. It additionally has a potent analytic implement that avails us to diagnose issues and gain a construal of how people are utilizing our web application.

Azure Monitor: 
Azure Monitor accumulates performance metrics about the Azure services deployed in the solution. By visualizing these in a dashboard, we can get overtness into the health of the solution. It withal amassed application logs.

Log Analytics: 
Log Analytics avails correlate the utilization and performance data amassed by Application Insights with configuration and performance data across the Azure resources that support the app. This scenario utilizes the Azure Log Analytics agent to push SQL Server audit authenticates into Log Analytics. We can write queries and view data in the Log Analytics blade of the Azure portal.


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