
Trigonometry with Go Language - Sin, Cos, Tan Functions Examples

Package math provides functions to calculate Trigonometric functions values. Program to demonstrate how to calculate Trigonometric functions values in Go, package main import ( "fmt" "math" ) func main() { var degrees float64 fmt.Println( "Enter value of angle in degrees : " ) _, err := fmt.Scanf( "%f" , &degrees) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) } //calculate the sine s := math.Sin(degrees) fmt.Println( "The Sine of " , degrees, " degrees is : " , s) //calculate the cosine c := math.Cos(degrees) fmt.Println( "The Cosine of " , degrees, " degrees is : " , c) //calculate the tan t := math.Tan(degrees) fmt.Println( "The Tangent of " , degrees, " degrees is : " , t) //calculate the sec se := 1 / math.Sin(degrees) fmt.Println( "The Sec of " , degrees, " degrees is : " , se)

Quarkus + SB Admin Template - Download Starter Kit for free

Quarkus is a Java framework designed to run within containers. Fixating on expeditious start-up times and low memory utilization makes it more felicitous to run within container orchestration platforms like Kubernetes. Quarkus supports many industry-standard libraries such as Hibernate, Kubernetes, RESTEasy, Eclipse MicroProfile, and more... SB Admin 2 is a popular open-source WebApp template for admin dashboards and control panels. It is a responsive HTML template that is based on the CSS framework Bootstrap 4. We integrated SB Admin 2 theme to Quarkus + Qute Project.  Scroll down and click on the download link to download the source code for free. Mobile View The main advantage of this starter project is you don't need to develop everything from scratch. Advantages: Since this is a starter/base project, On top of this project you can integrate your features. The main advantage is you don't need to develop everything from scratch.   The web content or layout is flexible to fit

Quarkus + Qute + MongoDB CRUD example

Hello everyone, today we will learn how to develop a basic User Management Application using  Quarkus ,  Qute  template,  MongoDB , and  Panache . GitHub repository link is provided at the end of this tutorial. You can download the source code. Following technologies stack being used: Quarkus 2.2.3.Final MongoDB JDK 11 Qute 2.2.3.Final MongoDB Panache 2.2.3.Final After completing this tutorial what we will build?  We will build a full-stack web application  with CRUD features: • Create User • List User • Update User  • Delete User   User Interface Add User: Retrieve All Users: Update User: Final Project Directory: Maven[pom.xml] A Project Object Model or POM is the fundamental unit of work in Maven. It is an XML file that contains information about the project and configuration details utilized by Maven to build the project. It contains default values for most projects. Some of the configurations that can be designated in the POM is the project dependencies, the plugins or goals that c

Quarkus + Qute CRUD example

Hello everyone, today we will learn how to develop a basic User Management Application using Quarkus , Qute template and RDBMS . The GitHub repository link is provided at the end of this tutorial. You can download the source code. The following technologies stack being used: Quarkus 2.2.3.Final Hibernate 5.5.7.Final Maven 3 JDK 11 Qute 2.2.3.Final H2DB  After completing this tutorial what we will build?   We will build a full-stack web application  with CRUD features: • Create User • List User • Update User  • Delete User   User Interface Add User Retrieve All Users Update User Final Project Directory Maven[pom.xml] A Project Object Model or POM is the fundamental unit of work in Maven. It is an XML file that contains information about the project and configuration details utilized by Maven to build the project. If you want to use Qute you need to add the  quarkus-resteasy-qute  extension in your pom.xml file. <? xml version ="1.0" encoding ="UTF-8" ?> < p