Real-Time Temperature Monitoring & Alerts with Raspberry Pi, Python, Azure IoT Hub, Azure ML & Azure Communication Services

Diagram Explanation 1️⃣ Raspberry Pi with a DHT11/DHT22 sensor sends real-time temperature data to Azure IoT Hub . 2️⃣ Azure IoT Hub processes incoming data and triggers Azure Functions for further processing. 3️⃣ Azure ML Model analyzes data and detects temperature anomalies (e.g., overheating or cooling failures). 4️⃣ If an anomaly is detected, Azure Functions calls Azure Communication Services (ACS) . 5️⃣ ACS sends an SMS/Email alert to the admin/user . 6️⃣ User/Admin monitors temperature data and receives alerts. This guide will walk you through building a real-time temperature monitoring system using IoT sensors (Raspberry Pi) and Azure cloud services . The system will: ✅ Collect temperature data from IoT sensors. ✅ Analyze real-time temperature data for anomalies using Azure ML . ✅ Trigger alerts (SMS/Email) via Azure Communication Services (ACS) when abnormal temperature conditions are detected. 🛠Tech Stack Hardware: Raspberry Pi, DHT11/DHT22 Temperature Senso...