
Showing posts with the label Restful

QUARKUS + Hibernate CRUD example - Creating a CRUD REST API/Service

Hello everyone, today we will learn how to build RESTful CRUD APIs using  QUARKUS  and Hibernate. Quarkus is a Java framework designed to run within containers. Fixating on expeditious start-up times and low memory utilization makes it more felicitous to run within container orchestration platforms like Kubernetes. Quarkus supports many industry-standard libraries such as Hibernate, Kubernetes, RESTEasy, Eclipse MicroProfile, and more... More Quarkus Related topics, Build REST CRUD APIs with Quarkus and MyBatis Build Rest CRUD API with MongoDB, Quarkus, and MongoDB Client Build Rest CRUD API with Quarkus and MongoDB Panache Kotlin + Quarkus + MyBatis - Build REST CRUD API example Let's start to build RESTful API with  QUARKUS  Technologies used: Quarkus 2.2.3.Final Hibernate  H2 Database Java 11   Project Directory   Maven Dependencies[pom.xml] A Project Object Model or POM is the fundamental unit of work in Maven. It is an XML file that contains information about the project and

How to Build a REST API using Dropwizard?

Hello everyone, today we will discuss how to build RESTful API using Dropwizard with the help of one simple example. Dropwizard is an open-source Java framework for the expeditious development of REST APIs.Dropwizard allows a developer to build an initial project very expeditious. This avails the application to be packaged in a way that allows it to be facilely installed on the production environment as a stand-alone service. Dropwizard comes with the fundamental package of components or libraries needed to develop RESTful web services, so you don't require to include and configure each of them discretely: Libraries included inside Dropwizard Jetty :  Dropwizard utilizes the Jetty HTTP library to embed an HTTP server directly into our project. Jersey : It provides support for JAX-RS APIs and serves as a JAX-RS Reference Implementation. Jackson : Jackson is a high-performance JSON processor for Java. Guava : Google's utility library that gives us a large number of classes to sp