
Showing posts with the label Spring Core

Spring Core | BeanFactoryPostProcessor | Example

In Spring, the  BeanFactoryPostProcessor is a  functional interface that contains a abstract method postProcessBeanFactory .   It allows us to modify the Spring context’s bean definitions before any beans get created.  BeanFactoryPostProcessor can create new bean definitions or modify existing ones. Since  BeanFactoryPostProcessor  should be called before other bean types are formed, it must be registered as a static method level. BeanFactoryPostProcessor example We are creating a simple maven project. You could clone the code from our GitHub repo. Final Project Directory Complete pom.xml <? xml version ="1.0" encoding ="UTF-8" ?> < project xmlns ="" xmlns:xsi ="" xsi :schemaLocation ="" > < modelVersion >4.0.0</ modelVersion > < gr

Spring initMethod and destroyMethod Example

The initMethod and destroyMethod  are attributes of Spring @Bean annotation to perform certain actions upon bean initialization and destruction.  initMethod  is called after bean initialization and the  destroyMethod  is called before bean destruction by container. Annotations  @PostConstruct and @PreDestroy , standardized by JSR-250, are generally considered the best practice for obtaining lifecycle callbacks in a modern Spring application.   initMethod and destroyMethod are alternatives to InitializingBean and DisposableBean . Related topic, Spring init-method and destroy-method - click here Complete Example  We are creating a simple maven project. You could clone the code from our GitHub repo. Final Project Directory Complete pom.xml <? xml version ="1.0" encoding ="UTF-8" ?> < project xmlns ="" xmlns: xsi ="" xsi :schemaLocation ="http://

Spring init-method and destroy-method - Example

The init-method and destroy-method are attributes of Spring bean configuration file to perform certain actions upon bean initialization and destruction.  init-method is called after bean initialization and the destroy-method is called during before bean destruction by container. Annotations @PostConstruct and @PreDestroy , standardized by JSR-250, are generally considered the best practice for obtaining lifecycle callbacks in a modern Spring application.   init-method and  destroy-method are alternatives to  InitializingBean and DisposableBean .  Related topic, Spring initMethod and destroyMethod Example  - click here Complete Example  We are creating a simple maven project. You could clone the code from our GitHub repo. Final Project Directory Complete pom.xml <? xml version ="1.0" encoding ="UTF-8" ?> < project xmlns ="" xmlns: xsi ="" xsi :sche