Azure DevOps - building a CI and CD pipeline

In this example, the CI/CD pipeline deploys a two-tier Spring web application to the Azure App Service.

Data Flow:

  1. A developer changes application source code.
  2. Application code is committed to the source code repository in Azure Repos.
  3. Continuous integration triggers the application to build and unit tests utilizing Azure Test Plans.
  4. Continuous deployment within Azure Pipelines triggers an automated deployment of application artifacts with environment-categorical configuration values.
  5. The artifacts are deployed to Azure App Service.
  6. Azure Application Insights accumulates and analyzes health, performance, and utilization data.
  7. Developers monitor and manage health, performance, and utilization information.
  8. Backlog information is utilized to prioritize incipient features and bug fixes using Azure Boards.


Azure DevOps provides developer accommodations for support teams to orchestrate work, collaborate on code development, and build and deploy applications. Azure DevOps fortifies a culture and set of processes that bring developers and project managers and contributors together to consummate software development.

Azure Web Apps offering web applications hosting. It allows developers to focus on delivering business values rather than consuming time on Sever updates or OS patches. Applications built on Java, PHP, Python, or Node.js can additionally be deployed on web apps.

Application Insights is an application performance management service for web applications that enables us to do all the monitoring of our website performance in Azure. It’s designed to ascertain we are getting optimal performance and the best in class utilizer experience from our website. It additionally has a potent analytic implement that avails us to diagnose issues and gain a construal of how people are utilizing our web application.

Azure Repos is a set of version control tools that we can use to manage our code. Version control systems are software that helps us track changes we make in our code over time. 

Azure Boards is an accommodation for managing the work for our software projects. Teams need implements that flex and grow. Azure Boards does just that, bringing us an affluent set of capabilities including native support for Scrum and Kanban, customizable dashboards, and integrated reporting.


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